Knot Housing
Bridging the creek in a uniquely urban environment: Seoul, South Korea
This site on the Cheongeycheon Creek in South Korea was once covered completely covered by a massive highway. The city spent billions of dollars to excavate the site.
In working in this location, it was extremely important to respect the creek while trying to provide qualities that the site doesn’t have.
Section highlighting unique views provided to each housing unit
Conceptually, this housing project is based on providing entirely unique views to each unit while creating a new urban edge through the circulatory spaces throughout
Site plan
Ground level plan
Level 1 plan
Level 2 Plan
The movement through the project emphasizes the movement of the creek and the experiential qualities of the city. It is comprised of a primary longitudinal gesture with secondary transverse movements intersecting. The public spaces weave the private spaces together to create a spatial knot tying the ideas together physically and conceptually.